Attracted to rock culture, he went to United State in 1974 and lived until 1977, where he recognized japanese culture.
He worked as the buyer, planner and sales manager at “Bunkaya-Zakkaten”, the legendary miscellaneous shop in Shibuya.
In 1979 he began his own brand “SHIN & COMPANY “.
He was the creative director of independent brands of street fashion and goods. One of the successful Inagaki‘s designs is character merchandise of “ASTRO BOY” licensed by Osamu Tezuka. They are beloved by a lot of artists and celebrities such as Patricia Field, BOY LONDON and Paul Smith.

At the same time he created new concepts like “AMEBA ZONE”, “WATER"", ""Fötus“, ""DETARGE“ and ""Memnon“, in which he designed and made a lot of best-sellers.
In April 2015, he established SH!N & International Co., Ltd. and “SINZ”, the brand of bags, goods and knitwear which he has created for around 40 years to the present day.

稲垣 晋

1979年に独立し ”SHIN & COMPANY”を設立。
オリジナルのストリート系ファッション小物・雑貨メーカーの企画と代表を務めると同時に、手塚治虫氏公認のライセンス契約において、稲垣デザインによる鉄腕アトムのキャラクターグッズは国内のみならず海外の音楽アーティスト、映画界、著名人にも愛用者が多く、Patricia Field、BOY LONDON、Paul Smithなどにも輸出実績がある。
また同時に、“AMEBA ZONE” ”WATER” “Fötus” “DETARGE” ”Memnon” のコンセプト作り、企画、主要なデザインを手がけ数多くのヒット商品を生み出す。
2015年4月 SH!N & Internationalを設立、同時に40年近く創りつづけてきた ”音” を感じさせるバッグ、雑貨、ニットウェアのブランド ”SINZ” を立ち上げ現在に至る。